The Big RE–SET Year (…is it really?)

Photo by Teddy Österblom on Unsplash

In the imagination of many, Reset is a button.

It’s the button that refreshes everything when something goes wrong.

The year 2020 has been called the ‘RESET YEAR’.

But… are we sure that we are properly resetting?

Or are we just restarting (turning off and on again)?

There is a big difference between these two.

During a Restart, we are just executing briefs that were already decided by somebody, sometimes ago.

During a Reset, we have the opportunity to write new briefs, that suits our current vision.

Things change, of course, they always do.

We have to change our focus accordingly.

A restart is a curse, if the destination it’s cursed.

That’s why we need a re-SET: as the word states, it’s the peculiar restart where you have the opportunity to SET a new destination.

We are not just passive executors. We can be deciders.

Let’s re-set our new year focus, dreams, goals.

As individuals, as businesses, as a species.



Gianluca Amato // Lato Società Benefit

Writer and Semantic Specialist that designs people’s interactions between Words and Experiences. Lato Benefit Corp Co-Founder.